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The concept of "Virtual Exhibition of Czech and Slovak Olympic Heritage (VECSOH)" reflects the 100-year history of joint representation of Slovak and Czech athletes at the annual Olympic Games (1924, 1964, 1984).


The primary goal of the VECSOH project was to make available to the public in one place collection items referring to Olympic achievements and participation in the Olympic Games of the common state of Czechs and Slovaks. The secondary goal of the project was to improve the coordination of digital education at the level of the European Union and at the same time contribute to the exchange of best practices and results of research experiments.


The legacy of joint Olympic achievements, as well as examples of continued cooperation in many sectors, including sports, even after the dissolution of the common state, are an inspiring example of overcoming differences and different interests for other countries in Europe and the world. The project also helps to create a multinational and multi-sector partnership for further cooperation in the field of study and research of sports history, educational activities and promotion of Olympic values ​​and principles.

In 2022, the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee received a European grant in the program

ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP (Small Partnerships) for the Virtual Exhibition of the Czech and Slovak Olympic Heritage (VECSOH) project. The partners of the project were the Czech National Museum and the Czech Olympic Committee.

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